Services of good quality, rapid payment of the claims, and affordable pricing policy constitute the top priority functions of Unal Sigorta Aracilik Hizmetleri (Unal Insurance Broker Services).
Thanks to its vast knowledge and expertise, Unal Sigorta Aracilik Hizmetleri (Unal Insurance Broker Services), which has maintained and continuously increased its competitive power under the business conditions of the present day whereby the conditions of competition are ever mounting up, has been enhancing its customer portfolio expeditiously year by year. Thereby, the Company is capable of offering services to many corporate and individual customers.
Unal Sigorta Aracilik Hizmetleri (Unal Insurance Broker Services), which attaches substantial importance to continuity and improvement of the service quality, is able to generate policies at many segments basing on the needs of the insured. Thus, the Company carries out an amply harmonic business partnership with the insurers. Any claims are being paid in full by means of perfect and exhaustive policies generated owing to the vast knowledge and expertise of the Company, and customer satisfaction is being kept at the highest level, thereby.
Unal Sigorta Aracilik Hizmetleri (Unal Insurance Broker Services), at all times, pays attention to the fact that the insurers with which it collaborates are the large scaled and high-class insurance companies. Therefore, the Company maintains its services through Anadolu Sigorta (Anadolu Insurance), Axa Sigorta (Axa Insurance), the top insurance companies of Turkey, and also through Aviva Sigorta (Aviva Insurance) which is among the top insurance companies of the Europe.